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Name Title Group Contact
Adams, Michelle 9/10 English, Speech, World History, Yearbook High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Adcock, Brad Bible Dept Bible, High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Adcock, Kristi Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Akins, Amanda Reading Interventionist Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Andrus, Nanci Food Service Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Banks, Jaime Elem/MS/HS Art Bible, Elementary Faculty and Staff, High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Barrier, Jana 11th, 12th English High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Barrier, Joey Bible Dept, Boys Soccer 256-767-1203
Beckman, Mercedes 3rd Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Berryman, Nick Elementary Custodial Elementary Faculty and Staff
Birdwell, John Bible Dept Security 256-767-1203
Bradford, Rachel teacher
Bretherick, Justin Bible Dept 256-767-1203
Brown, Molly 5-12 Guidance Counselor High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Browning, Amy 4th Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Burgess, Matt Academic Dean High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Burgess, Rebecca 6th Grade Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Burnley, Anna Spirit Store 256-767-1203
Butler, Maggie Elem Aide Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Campbell, Brooklyn 7th/8th Grade Science Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Carter, Sarah 5th grade Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Chandler, Kim Elementary Principal Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Chandler, Rachel Preschool Director PreSchool 256-767-1273
Condra, Cathy Admin Assistant Presidential Office Business Office 256-767-1203
Cooper, Sara Beth Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Corsbie, Brooke Food Service Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Davenport, J MS/HS Choral Director, Drama Elementary Faculty and Staff, High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Davenport, Larry Bible Dept, Asst. to Choral Director 256-767-1203
Derr, Laura Transitional Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Dev, Apple
Durham, Brittany RN Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Flatt, Heather Food Service Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Foust, Jeanne 12 English 256-767-1203
Gandy, Clark teacher
Glover, Melinda Food Service Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Gooch, Bill Technology Director High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Goodwin, Scott Biology, Anatomy, Ecology High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Hall, Cameron teacher 256-767-1203
Hanson, Joseph teacher
Hargett, Courtney 6th Grade Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Harmon, Stacy 5-12 Media Center High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Hayes, Ben Elem Counselor Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Hayes, Ryan Mailroom 256-767-1203
Heupel, Kim PreSchool Director PreSchool 256-767-1273
Heupel, Matt Bible Faculty Bible 256-767-170_
Higgins, Darrell MS/HS PE, Athletic Director, Football, Track High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Hill, Mamie Physical Education Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Holt, Brooke teacher
Hunt, Bethany 7th, 8th English Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Jackson, Stacy MS/HS Administrative Assistant High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Johnson, Austin Bible Dept Bible 256-767-1203
Killen, Gena 4th Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Kilpatrick, Brian Government/Economics High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Kilpatrick, Will teacher
Landes, Sara Accounting 256-767-1203 ext. 2028
Lawrence, Whitney 5th grade 256-767-1203
Lawrence, Whitney 5th Grade Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Little, Bonnie MS Math, Computer, Personal Finance Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Lowry, Mollie 6th, 7th, 8th Science- Softball High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Mann, Emily Elem Math Interventionist Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Mansel, Ron Accountant Business Office 256-767-1203
Matusevic, Amy teacher
McKinnon, Bridget teacher Elementary Faculty and Staff
Michael, Brooke 3rd Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Mills, Jared Algebra I, Career Prep High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Monroe, Lakin teacher
Moon, Pat CFO Business Office 256-767-1203
Moore, Melissa Accountant Business Office 256-767-1203
Myhan, Will Bible Dept 256-767-1203
Myhan, Will Minister Bible 256-381-8311
O'Kelley, Emily teacher
O'Kelley, Emily teacher 256-767-1203
Oldham, Kelsea Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Olive, Brent Chemistry, Adv Chemistry High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Olive, Mary Pre Cal I, Pre Cal II, Calculus, Tennis High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Owens, Anne-Marie Elementary Admin Assistant, FACTS Admin Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Pannell, Anna 1st Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Parrish, Dina FS Worker Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Pate, Chad Head of Maintenance Maintenance 256-767-1203
Phillips, Anna 5th Grade Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Pollock, Greg Bible Dept High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Pounders, Jeremy Boys Basketball Coach High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Rhudy, Kelsey teacher PreSchool 256-767-1203
Rhymes, Ty Bible Dept Bible 256-767-1203
Risener, Lauren Transitional Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Roberts, Dana 1st Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Rushing, Laws President Business Office
Rutherford, Abby teacher
Rutherford, Cophia Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Rutherford, Dexter MS/HS Principal High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Sanderson, Danielle Cafeteria Manager Cafeteria 256-767-1203
Shifflet, Mary Brooke Admissions Counselor, Volleyball Business Office 256-767-1203
Smith, Patricia teacher PreSchool
Snodgrass, Morgan 2nd Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Spann, Justin 7th, 8th Social Studies High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Taliaferro, Nashay 1st Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Tays, Lori Vice President Business Office 256-767-1203
Thrasher, Emma teacher
Waddell, Ali Advancement Associate
Wallace, Kristen Resource Teacher High School Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
White, Cayla Elem/MS/HS Computer Elementary Faculty and Staff, Middle School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Wilbanks, Alyssa 3rd Grade Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Williams, Linda Elem Librarian Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Willingham, Ginger Family and Consumer Science High School Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Young, Amy Kindergarten Elementary Faculty and Staff 256-767-1203
Young, John Bible Dept
Early Dismissal